Pittsburgh Homebirth Photographer | Mary Beth Miller Photography
This lovely Mama reached out to me for birth photos as she began to prepare for the homebirth of her fourth baby! Here are her photos of her homebirth with her Pittsburgh Midwife!
This was her third homebirth with a midwife! I absolutely love documenting homebirths, especially when the older siblings are present.

When I take on a client that plans to have a homebirth, I offer to attend and photograph one of their in-home prenatal appointments when they are in their last trimester. Most Pittsburgh midwives will come to the families home for all of their prenatal appointments and they usually involve the whole family. It was a good opportunity to ensure that I knew exactly where they lived and to let her three children get to know me a little more before their baby sister was born.

The midwife lets the kids help listen to the baby’s heartbeat and take Mama’s blood pressure.
Of course, they also wanted to listen to their own heartbeats with the stethoscope!

Very early one morning about a month later, I received a text that she may be in labor! Since this was her fourth baby I never like to risk waiting to see if it is *really* baby time because these 2nd/3rd/4th/5th babies tend to come fast! (not always, but yes, most of the time they do!) I arrived at the same time as the midwife but it turned out to be a false alarm, which is more than ok for me! I’d rather come to a false alarm than possibly miss a fast birth!

Fast forward to another day at 2:00 a.m. and I received a text and this time it really was baby time! Mom may have been in denial and feared that it was another false alarm but I wasted no time grabbing my bags and heading out the door. It is a good thing I left when I did because her baby arrived within an hour after I arrived!

Many laboring moms end up in the bathroom on the potty while they work through their contractions.

With the support of her amazing husband, she was able to relocate from the
bathroom to the living room, in between contractions to get into the birthing tub.
Her husband had it all ready to go and filled with warm water

Although it was 3:00 a.m., Mom promised her son and daughter they could be present for the birth
of the baby. So their Dad and I went in and woke them up and told them it was time. However, we let the toddler stay asleep.

After a few very intense contractions, one on top of another,
we all knew that her baby would probably be born at any minute!

Mom reached down and delivered her own baby!

There is just absolutely nothing like being there the moment a baby is born.
The room just fills with excitement and relief and joy and awe all at the same time!
And it’s just so much more special when the older siblings are there to watch the baby being born!
This mama did a great job at preparing her kids for the birth of their baby sister.
Although, her daughter already got to be present for the births of her little brothers!

While her midwives prepared her to get out of the tub and on to the couch,
Dad took his brand new daughter to meet her big brother and big sister!

You have no idea what an honor it is to be present during such intimate moments like this.
I am so grateful to be able to document these moments for a family!

I hope that you enjoyed seeing some of my photography of a homebirth!
This Mama really trusted her amazing and experienced Midwife that attended this birth and her previous homebirth.
I really love to be able to witness the amazing work these midwives do!
We are so fortunate to have a handful of amazing midwives in Pittsburgh!
Are you considering a Homebirth?
Feel free to message me so I can give you a list of current midwives
that attend home births in the Pittsburgh area.
Are you expecting a baby in 2020?
Are you considering birth photography or maybe a Fresh 48 Session?
Allow me to document this very special time for your family!
Please be sure to contact me early as possible to ensure that I have
availability on my schedule around your due date.
Contact me today for more information and all of the details about a
birth session with Mary Beth Miller Photography!
Are you on Instagram? I’d love to connect with you over there!
~All images by Mary Beth Miller Photography ~
Mary Beth Miller Photography specializes in birth, hospital, newborn, family and child photography in the greater Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania areas.
Wow! What an amazing experience to capture for this family!
These are beautiful!
What an amazing experience! She’ll be so glad you documented this.
oh wow- these are beautiful, especially the ones in the pool! what an incredible oppurtunity!
This is absolutely wonderful! They’ll treasure these images forever!
Incredible photos and such a gift you gave this family!
Great job! How exciting for this family!