Birth Photos Pittsburgh | Mary Beth Miller Photography

Pittsburgh Birth Photographer | Mary Beth Miller Photography


Here is the full blog post from the homebirth of Eden Hope!

It was such an honor to be asked to photograph a 2nd birth for this wonderful family!

Around 18 months ago I photographed the birth of their last beautiful baby!
So it felt like not long ago, I was hanging out in the same room with the same wonderful parents,
my clients sister and the same amazing midwife, that I love to work with!

 My client sent me a text around 6pm that said this would probably be the night!
We decided I would head over around 9pm, when her midwife planned to arrive.

Since it was just before Christmas, I decided that I would grab my camera gear and hit the
stores that were close to her house to buy a few last minute Christmas gifts.

Well, on my way to the store, she text again, her water had broke!
So of course shopping would wait!   I continued straight to her house.

When I arrived two of her children were still awake and helping Mom through a few contractions.
Not long after, the little guy’s Aunt rocked him to sleep and put him to bed so Mama could focus.
Their older daughter also went to bed with promises that
her Dad would wake her up as soon as the baby was born!

pittsburgh birth photographer | Mary Beth Miller Photographypittsburgh birth photographer | Mary Beth Miller PhotographyNot long after I arrived, the midwife arrived….
I was relieved, because we joked about her not making it on time and that
I would have to deliver the baby!  But this midwife is awesome and came in plenty of time!

pittsburgh birth photographer | Mary Beth Miller Photography

My clients husband is such an amazing labor partner!
He kept filling her birthing pool with hot water to make it nice and warm
and just like her last birth, he did not hesitate to get in the water to support his beautiful wife!
pittsburgh birth photographer | Mary Beth Miller Photographypittsburgh birth photographer | Mary Beth Miller Photography

I do not think any of us realized how close she was to having the baby
because she was smiling, joking and laughing one minute,
and it seemed just moments later, her baby was up and out of the water into the arms of
her Aunt, Midwife, Mom and Dad!

pittsburgh birth photographer | Mary Beth Miller Photography

Once again my client had a peaceful and amazingly perfect water birth
in the comfort of her very own bedroom.  And she looked beautiful the entire time!

pittsburgh birth photographer | Mary Beth Miller Photography

pittsburgh birth photographer | Mary Beth Miller Photographypittsburgh birth photographer | Mary Beth Miller Photography

Big sister was woken up as promised just minutes after her baby sister was born!
Her big smile just melted my heart!

pittsburgh birth photographer | Mary Beth Miller Photography

pittsburgh birth photographer | Mary Beth Miller Photography

The Midwife then did a few gentle check ups on baby and then big sister helped to cut the cord!

pittsburgh birth photographer | Mary Beth Miller Photography

Dad got to weigh his sweet baby girl in the sling scale.

pittsburgh birth photographer | Mary Beth Miller Photography

And then big sister got to bond with her baby sister….
after having two little brothers, I can only imagine how excited she was for a sister!
What a perfect early Christmas gift!

pittsburgh birth photographer | Mary Beth Miller Photography

pittsburgh birth photographer | Mary Beth Miller Photography

And of course there has to be a photo of my client and her wonderful Midwife!

pittsburgh birth photographer | Mary Beth Miller Photography

This was my kind of birth, back home by midnight for a full nights sleep!

See more of my birth photography here!

Are you interested in learning more about a birth session?
See here for more info and please feel free to contact me for more detail or to book your session!


~All images by Mary Beth Miller Photography ~

Mary Beth Miller Photography specializes in Fresh 48, birth, newborn, family and child photography in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and surrounding

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  • Jillian 'Dickinson' Greenhill

    Oh my I love these so muchReplyCancel

  • Ruth Bloch

    These are sooo great! Wish I had these done for my births!!! :( And baby is such a little chub! Gorgeous!ReplyCancel

  • Chance Pedersen

    so beautiful! <3 <3ReplyCancel

  • Shelley |

    Love these! You can really feel their emotion. Well done!ReplyCancel

  • KaetheJo Hartman Binder

    What a BEAUTIFUL Home Birth! Gorgeous Family! Perfect photos!! Love it!ReplyCancel

  • Jessica B

    What a sweet, peaceful birth! And beautiful photos! Congrats to the family! ♡ReplyCancel


Established in 2009
Family & Newborn Photographer serving the greater Pittsburgh area; Wexford, Mars, Cranberry Twp., and also serving Boardman, Poland, and Canfield, Ohio.

Mary Beth Miller Photography

Award for

Established in 2009
Family & Newborn Photographer serving the greater Pittsburgh area; Wexford, Mars, Cranberry Twp., and also serving Boardman, Poland, and Canfield, Ohio.